
Photo Friday, August 14, 2020: Real Photo Postcard, Paxico, Kansas, 1905, “Born in Africa”

It’s Photo Friday!  I have a great photograph for you today.  It’s a real photo postcard which I added to my collection last week, taken in Paxico, Kansas, circa 1905.  It’s an exceptional view.  The photographer is standing in the 100 block of Newbury Avenue, looking to the north.


Two men pose in the center of Newbury Avenue in Paxico for this real photo postcard from about 1905. The sign on the burro’s back says, “When may we three meet again? Born in Africa.” The man standing at the right, seems to be cradling a Winchester rifle with the barrel resting on the ground by his left foot. Both men are unidentified.

In the center of the view are two men and a donkey.  At the far left stands an unidentified African-American man, holding the reins of the burro.  The man is smoking a straight-stemmed pipe and is wearing rather raggedy clothes. On the back of the donkey is a sign that is painted with the words, “WHEN MAY WE THREE MEET AGAIN?” Below those words is written, “BORN IN AFRICA”. The finely dressed man at the right, unidentified as well, is wearing well-polished shoes and is balancing what appears to be the butt of a Winchester rifle with his left hand, the barrel resting on the ground next to his foot.

In the background at the far left, one can see the roof of the Paxico Hotel, located on the lot where the Paxico Post Office sits today. Just south of the hotel was a meat market in the building which now houses the Paxico Longbranch. The Paxico Road to the north looks to be challenging for the traveler.

Paxico_donkey002 copy

I’ve attached a view of the address side of the postcard; notice that it is undivided with no room for a message, dating it prior to 1907.  It’s addressed to Mrs. Sam Mongerson. Sam and Tena Mongerson operated a saloon in Paxico for many years.

To view the card as a full-screen image, click on the image below.

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